What you’ll learn
- Learn the basics around CSS
- Learn the different approaches you can use to apply CSS
- Learn how to apply CSS styles to HTML elements
- Learn how to organise your HTML elements on a page with CSS
- Learn the various units you can apply with CSS
- Learn how to style your HTML elements differently based on different media types
This course includes:
- 1.5 hours on-demand video
- 2 articles
- 3 downloadable resources
- Access on mobile and TV
- Full lifetime access
- Certificate of completion
This course is aimed at complete novices looking to gain experience in styling your HTML web pages with CSS.
It will teach you various topics that you will often come across when working with CSS, such as:
Types Of CSS: Understand the various types available to apply
Types Of Selectors: Explore the different ways you can target HTML elements within your web page
CSS Specificity: Understand the prioritization of CSS rules
CSS Fonts: Understand how to apply fonts
CSS Box Model And Box Sizing: Learn how the CSS Box Model and the box-sizing property works
CSS Colors: Explore the 4 ways of applying color with CSS
CSS Positioning: Learn the different types available for positioning elements on a web page (Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed And Sticky)
CSS Floats: Learn how the CSS float property works
CSS Display: Learn how the CSS display property works
CSS Units: Discover the various units you can use with CSS
CSS Media Queries: Learn how to apply CSS styles for various screen sizes and different media types
By the end of the course, you should have a solid understanding of how you can apply CSS to your HTML web pages. So enroll now and begin your journey into mastering CSS.
Who this course is for:
- Beginners who are curious to learn how to style HTML web pages with CSS
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