HomeFree Courseقريب النحو للمبتدأيين Free Course Coupon

قريب النحو للمبتدأيين Free Course Coupon

What you’ll learn

  • Arab way
  • Arabic language
  • Principles of the Arabic language
  • The basic rules for grammar

This course includes:

  • 1 hour on-demand video
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  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion


Arab way It is a science of the Arabic language that specializes in studying the conditions of late words, in terms of expression, and construction, such as the provisions of expression of words, signs of expression, and the places where this provision is taken.

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In language, grammar is called intent, or entity. Originally, grammar was concerned with the study of expression, which means late speech. As the expansion of the Islamic state led to the mixing of Arab words, with colloquial words, and the entry of the melody into the Arabic language. The first appearance of grammar was in the era of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib; As he referred to Abi Al-Aswad Al-Dilali to set the rules of grammar; To establish and control the rules of language, and to confront the linguistic melody, especially with regard to the Qur’an. Thus, Abu Al-Aswad Al-Daeli was the author of grammar, and then the scholars after him began to increase it little by little, such as Al-Farhaidi, who set the science of performances, and laid the foundations for the pure balance to know the origin of the words, and revealed the anomalous and extraneous words on the Arabic language. Siboy followed. He wrote the first book in which he compiled the rules of Arabic grammar, and called it “The Book”, and «The book » is still a major reference for the Arab grammar so far.

Grammar applies to speech, which is every useful word that is easy to keep silent, and consists of at least two words (Two names «Flag Noor », or verb and name «The Messenger ») came, but any word does not make sense or benefit; The rules of grammar cannot be applied to it, and from that the grammar was called by this name because the speaker tends to have the approach of Arab speech individually and in combination.

And in another novel about the reason for his name grammar: What was narrated that Ali bin Abi Talib when he referred to the unjust father of Ben Amru bin Sufyan the Dalili, to put the knowledge of grammar, he said to him after he taught him the name, verb and letter: The name: What he reported on the name, and the act: Grant this way, Abu Al-Aswad (i.e. walk this way); It was called that, and grammar is a source indicating the name of an effect, PThe grammar is the grammar, that is, the intended one, and the grammar is defined by that name even if each flag is carveda.

Arab expression is what leads to the formation of the end of words in the context of the hadith correctly whether this formation is concerned with changing the movement of the last letter or changing the last letters in other cases, and cases of expression in this case are classified by raising, and its sign is the result or waw or the sign of noon, And its mark is stillness, deletion of the noun, or deletion of the vowel. There is also the dragon and it is the multiplication of the expressive movement in the late words and the dragon often denotes the denial of the name. The expression is considered one of the characteristics and characteristics of the Arabic language. By expressing, you can know the actor or the object of it in the sentence even if the effect is presented to the actor, although in almost all languages of the world the arrangement is: an actor and then an effect with it, for example:

  • Muhammad visited Khaleda. (the actor: Mohammed, The effect is on it: Immortal)
    • (And the sentence here is clear and pronounced in most languages of the world in this order)
  • He visited immortal Muhammad. Also (the actor: Mohammed, The effect is on it: Immortal)
    • (We knew by way of annexation – that the perpetrator is always raised – and its expression here is a recent actor raised and a sign raised by the stigma shown at the end)

So the expression is one of the most important reasons for the superiority of Arab literature (whether in poetry, prose, or stories.Etc.) On the languages of the world, when you give two people, one of them clay and the other stone, and you ask them to form a aesthetic model, surely the creativity of the clay owner will be greater than the stone owner

Who this course is for:

  • All scholars and researchers are all Arabic language lovers and non-Arabic speaking Muslims

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Pratiek Nagda
Pratiek Nagdahttp://careerboostzone.com
My name is Pratiek Nagada and I am a resident of the small town of Nallasopara in Maharashtra. I come from a very poor family and I live with my mom. My father was dead when I was in 4th grade. Due to that financial issue, I was forced to go to a hostel from the 5th to the 10th. I know the basics of blogging and all because in my final year of school, after that, when I came home, I had a great fight with my mom because she wanted to take me science and I wanted to take science. Finally, I convinced my mom. I have done engineering at St. John College of Engineering and Management, which is in Palghar. I still love my college very much. Even today, I keep sharing the experiences of my college with my readers. Today I am the owner of the CareerBoostZone English blogging site and through my blog, I have prepared a better employment platform for Readers I feel happy that I tried to empower readers by helping in employment and the development of the country. And my efforts are continuing towards success.


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