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HomeJob Build a Simple Calculator in React + JavaScript Foundations Free Course Coupon

 Build a Simple Calculator in React + JavaScript Foundations Free Course Coupon

What you’ll learn

  • The purpose of ReactJS
  • Building a Simple React Web Page
  • The Tools Needed to work with React
  • Introduction to Codepen
  • Introduction to JSX, Functional Components, and React Props
  • Foundations of Callbacks, and OnClick Events
  • The React State Hook
  • Building the Calculator
  • Debugging in React
  • Document Object Model (DOM)
  • JavaScript Arithmetic Operators, Data Types, Arrays, Loops, Events
  • JavaScript Variables, Operator Precedence, Objects, Functions
  • JavaScript Foundations

This course includes:

  • 3 hours on-demand video
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion


This course takes you step-by-step through the process of building a fully functional calculator in React. React, also known as React JS, is a powerful JavaScript library used for building custom, interactive user interfaces using UI components. Some of the most well known examples of organizations using React for their front-end include Netflix, Facebook, and Airbnb. Developed and maintained by Meta along with a community of independent developers, React remains free and open-source. React is a component based library built entirely on JavaScript, which makes it perfect for designing complex UI’s. With React, developers can build encapsulated components that efficiently manage their own state and render UI updates specifically when data changes. For example, think of the automated content refresh feature you see on a twitter feed, or facebook like button. Here the state of the UI component changes on the page, without having to manually refresh when the data is updated. This is just one small, yet powerful feature of React.

Through a complete hands-on project, this course will teach you all the fundamental principles of React that you must know to become a proficient React developer. We start right from the basics, including the tools needed to get started. From there we dive into JSX, functional components, props, callbacks, and various OnClick events. By this stage, the calculator will have a complete visual display, coupled with functional arithmetic operations. Students then move on to passing parameters in Callback functions, using the React State Hook, and debugging.

In addition to the hands-on React module, we also offer a comprehensive overview of JavaScript for those who need a refresher. Here we start with introducing students to the document object model (DOM) which defines the logical structure of HTML documents. From there we dive into JavaScript to demonstrate various methods in which DOM elements can be manipulated to add interactivity to static components. We start right from the basics, which includes JavaScript placement, and data output. From there we move on to variable declaration, arithmetic operations, operator precedence, data types, and objects. Once the foundations are covered, we move on to more complex operations using Arrays, Conditional Statements, JavaScript comparison operators, booleans and loops. Here students will learn to unleash the true power of JavaScript to render different outcomes based on user interaction. We will explore the use of functions to efficiently handle repetitive tasks and JavaScript events to handle output based on actions and occurrences. The section will conclude with a hands-on project where students will implement their knowledge to build a web based photo gallery and background color changer.

As you can see this course covers a tremendous bit of ground. Best of all it features Tim Maclachlan – a renowned senior full-stack developer with over 20 years of commercial development experience. As a multi-faceted developer, Tim specializes in algorithmic, analytical and mobile development. To date, he’s written hundreds of applications and worked in a number of industries from commercial aviation and military, to banking and finance. Tim has a genuine passion for teaching others how to become better coders and looks forward to interacting with his students.

With that said, we hope you’re just as excited about this course as we are, if so – hit that enroll button and let’s get started.

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Who this course is for:

  • Students interested in learning how to build interactive web pages using JavaScript
  • Students interested in learning ReactJS
  • Students interested in front-end UI Development using React
  • Students interested in learning JavaScript Foundations

How to Get this course FREE?

Get a 100% Discount On Udemy courses by clicking on the Apply Here Button. This Course coupon code is automatically added to the Apply Here Button.

Apply this Coupon:  OCT232024GOODIES is applied  (For 100% Discount)

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Note: The udemy Courses Will be free for a Maximum of 1000 Learners can use the promo code AND Get this course for 100% Free. After that, you will get this course at a discounted price.

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Important Note While Applying for Jobs:- Do read all the instructions and requirements carefully to apply for the job. All the communications from the organization will be on your registered Email ID. Keep Checking your Mailbox for the next round details once CV is shortlisted.

Important Notice and Disclaimer:- CareerBoostZone platform is a free Job Sharing platform for all the Job seekers. We don’t charge any cost and service fee for any job which is posted on our website, neither we have authorized anyone to do the same. Most of the jobs posted over Seekajob are taken from the career pages of the organizations. Jobseekers/Applicants are advised to check all the details when they apply for the job to avoid any inconvenience.
Pratiek Nagda
Pratiek Nagda
My name is Pratiek Nagada and I am a resident of the small town of Nallasopara in Maharashtra. I come from a very poor family and I live with my mom. My father was dead when I was in 4th grade. Due to that financial issue, I was forced to go to a hostel from the 5th to the 10th. I know the basics of blogging and all because in my final year of school, after that, when I came home, I had a great fight with my mom because she wanted to take me science and I wanted to take science. Finally, I convinced my mom. I have done engineering at St. John College of Engineering and Management, which is in Palghar. I still love my college very much. Even today, I keep sharing the experiences of my college with my readers. Today I am the owner of the CareerBoostZone English blogging site and through my blog, I have prepared a better employment platform for Readers I feel happy that I tried to empower readers by helping in employment and the development of the country. And my efforts are continuing towards success.


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