What you’ll learn
- Have the foundations of Java, as well as the bases to even present a Java certification
- Design object-oriented Java systems (POO)
- Apply design patterns such as MVC, DTO, DAO, among many more
- Use JDBC to connect to any database like Oracle or MySql, etc.
- Apply Servlets and JSPs for the development of Web applications with Java
- You will learn how to use the Apache Struts framework
- You will apply the Hibernate framework to create a robust, flexible and scalable data layer
- You will master the Spring framework to apply it to your real world Java systems
- You will apply Java EE technologies (Java business version) and learn EJBs, JPA, Web Services SOAP and REST, Security and much more !!!
This course includes:
- 109.5 hours on-demand video
- 1 coding exercise
- 12 articles
- 671 downloadable resources
- Access on mobile and TV
- Full lifetime access
- Certificate of completion
Updated! +110 hours of video, +8,000 students, +600 Classes, this is the perfect course to become a Java expert, Full Stack Java Developer.
Do you lack time to study or money to invest in your Java training or do you want to get a job / job as a Java professional programmer?
With the course of Java Master Club you will become a specialist in Java technology (Full Stack Java Developer). We will study topics from programming logic, Java Foundations, Object Oriented Programming with Java, JDBC with Database Connection, Servlets and JSP’s, Struts Framework, Hibernate Framework, Spring Framework, Java Business (Java EE), including EJB’s, JPA, Web Services, Security and more.
The course has two versions. The whole first part includes the use of the IntelliJ IDE, the second version includes the Netbeans IDE, so no matter what IDE of your preference you can learn and study from both IDEs.
So the Java Master Club will be the best investment you can make to become the Java expert you have always dreamed of.
With all of the above, you will have the basis to prepare various certifications as a Java programmer, in addition to acquiring the knowledge to be able to apply to various job vacancies to start working as a Java programmer in record time.
This course has the following levels:
Level. Java Foundations
Lesson 1 – Starting with Java Technology
- The amazing world of Java programming
- What is Java technology (from a practical approach)
- Our first Java program from scratch
Lesson 2 – Variables and Operators in Java
- Use of Variables in Java and what we use them for
- Java data types and how they are classified
- Operator Management and Classification in Java
Lesson 3 – Control Judgments in Java
- Use of the if-else structure and where to use it
- Handling the switch structure and when to apply it
Lesson 4 – Cycle Management in Java
- Use of the for cycle and its use
- Using the while cycle and how to apply it
- Using the do-while cycle and when to use it
Lesson 5 – Object Oriented Programming
- Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (POO)
- Class Management in Java
- Use of Objects in Java
Lesson 6 – Functions in Java
- Statement of Methods or Functions in Java
- Use and Call of Functions in Java
Lesson 7 – Data Management in Java
- Using Arrangements in Java
- Matrix Management in Java
Lesson 8 – Inheritance in Java
- Inheritance Management in Java
- Use of superclasses and subclasses in Java
Final Level Laboratory
- Final Exercise where everything learned is integrated into this Level
Level. Java programming
Lesson 1 – Polymorphism in Java
- What is polymorphism and its application
- Java overwriting and its use
Lesson 2 – Advanced Object Management in Java
- Object Conversion (cast)
- Identifying the object type with the instanceof operator
- The importance and use of the operator this
Lesson 3 – Handling Code Blocks in Java
- Variable Scope (Scope)
- Use of static and non-static blocks
Lesson 4 – Use of Abstract Classes and Interfaces in Java
- Differences between Abstract Classes and Interfaces
- Declaration and use of Abstract Classes
- Interface Management in Java and when to use them
Lesson 5 – Exception Management in Java
- Processing exceptions in Java
- Use of try-catch and propagation of Exceptions
Module 6 – Collection Management in Java
- Use of collections in Java
- Management of List, Set and Map and the application of each structure
Module 7 – File Management in Java
- File management and use in Java
- Streams management in Java and its uses
Final Level Laboratory
- Final Exercise where everything learned at this level is applied
Level. Connection to Databases with JDBC
Lesson 1 – Starting with JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
- The need for a database
- Installing MySql and Oracle
- Drivers download to connect to the base
Lesson 2 – Connecting to the Database (BD)
- Steps to connect to a relational database
- JDBC code to connect to the database
Lesson 3 – Select Judgment
- Steps to execute SQL Select statement with JDBC
- Using the select statement to read the BD information
Lesson 4 – Manipulating Data with JDBC
- Steps to execute the insert, update and delete statements
- Use of insert, update and delete statements to manipulate information
- Separation of select, insert, update and delete functions with JDBC
Lesson 5 – Multilayer Architecture
- Structuring our JDBC code
- Creating the data layer in a Multilayer Architecture
Lesson 6 – Design Patterns
- DAO Design Pattern (Data Access Object)
- Design Pattern DTO (Data Transfer Object) or VO (Value Object)
- Final Laboratory with the integration of everything seen at this Level
Level – Servlets and JSPs
Lesson 1 – Introduction to Web Technology with Java
- The amazing world of Web technology with Java
- The revolution in Web applications and how to take advantage of it
- The Glassfish application server and how to use it
Lesson 2 – Basic Concepts of Servlets
- Without mysteries: what is Servlets technology
- Elements and life cycle of a Servlet
Lesson 3 – Session Management with Servlets
- Implementation of the concept of Sessions with Servlets
- We will learn the use of the HttpSession object
- We will implement a web shopping cart
Lesson 4 – Basic Concepts of JSPs
- We will study how to create dynamic web pages with JSPs
- We will learn the fundamental elements of the JSPs
Lesson 5 – Advanced Concepts of Servlets and JSPs
- We will see how to create a Web application integrating Servlets and JSPs
- Data processing with Servlets and information deployment with JSPs
Lesson 6 – JSTL and EL (Expression Language) in JSPs
- We will understand JSTL tags to facilitate the use of JSPs
- We will see the power of EL (Expression Language) in the JSPs
Lesson 7 – MVC Design Pattern (Model View Controller)
- We will study a real world multilayer architecture with Servlets and JSPs
- We will apply the MVC design pattern with Servlets and JSPs
Lesson 8 – Client Control Application
- Integration of the first 5 levels in a final project
- Analysis, Design and Development of the Customer Control application
- This level allows them to get a job from a Java Jr scholarship holder or programmer
Level – Java Server Faces
Lesson 1 – Introduction to JavaServer Faces
- What is JSF and its role in Java EE
- Basic concepts of JSF and MVC
- Hi World with JSF
Lesson 2 – ManagedBeans in JSF
- ManagedBeans concept in JSF
- Using ModelManagedBeans in JSF
- Expression Language (EL) in JSF
- BackingBeans concept in JSF
- Scope Management in JSF
Lesson 3 – JSF Navigation Rules
- JSF Navigation Rules
- JSF Life Cycle
Lesson 4 – Validators in JSF
- Validator Management at JSF
- Using Converters in JSF
- Message Management and Internationalization at JSF
Lesson 5 – Event Management in JSF
- Use of Value Change Listener
- ActionListener and ActionEvent handling in JSF
- Use of standard library and SelectItems in JSF
Lesson 6 – Management of Facelets
- The evolution of JSP and the use of Facelets
- The use and importance of Faceltes in JSF
Lesson 7 – Integration of Java EE Services
- The role of JSF, EJB and JPA
- Exercise where everything seen is integrated into this Level
Level – Java EE (Basic) (Includes EJB’s and JPA)
Lesson 1 – Introduction to Java EE
- Introduction to the Business Java world (Java EE)
- Java EE Technologies Stack
- Multilayer Architecture in Java EE
- Tool Installation (Eclipse, MySql)
- Glassfish Application Server Installation
- Use of Maven and JavaEE
- Hello World with JavaEE
Lesson 2 – Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)
- Introduction to EJB
- Types and Configuration of an EJB
- Injection of Dependencies in Java EE
- Packaging and Business Containers
Lesson 3 – Introduction to Java Persistence API (JPA)
- Introduction to Java Persistence API (JPA)
- Understanding Entity classes at JPA
- EntityManager and Persistence Unit Management
- Using JPA
Lesson 4 – Consultations with JPA
- Life Cycle in JPA
- Relationship Types in JPA
- JPQL queries at JPA
- Using the Criteria API in JPA
- Transaction Management in JPA
Level – Java USA (Advanced) (Includes Web Services and Security)
Lesson 5 – Role of JSF
- JSF role in Java EE
- Ajax at JSF
- PrimeFaces and JSF
- JSF, PrimeFaces, AJAX, EJB and JPA integration
Lesson 6 – WebServices and JavaEE
- Introduction to Web Services
- Types of Web Services JAX-WS and JAX-RS
- What is a WSDL Document
- Use of XML and XSD Documents (XML Scheme)
- JAXB API Management
- Web Services Generation Strategies
- Deployment of Web Services
- Creation of the Web Service Client
Lesson 7 – REST Web Services
- Introduction to REST Web Services
- HTTP Petitions Analysis
- JAX-RS API annotations
- EJB and JAX-RS integration
- Creation of a REST Client
- WADL and XSD document from the REST Web Service
- Deployment of a REST Web Service
- Creation Client REST Web Service
Lesson 8 – Security in Java EE
- Introduction to Security in Java EE
- Authentication and Authorization in Java EE
- Web Layer Security in Java EE
- EJB Layer Security in Java EE
- Customer Authentication in Java EE
- Web Client Authentication
- SOAP Client Authentication and REST Web Service
- Final Exercise with the integration of everything learned
Level – Struts Framework
Lesson 1 – Introduction to Struts Framework
- What is a Struts Framework?
- Installation of Course Tools
Lesson 2 – Hello World with Struts
- Creation of the Web project with Struts Framework
- Hi World with Struts.
Lesson 3 – Stock Management with Struts
- Actions with Struts
- Exercise Actions with Struts
- More Actions exercises with Stu
Lesson 4 – Shape Management with Struts
- FormBeans with Struts
- Exercise with FormBeans
- Filling Forms with Struts
Lesson 5 – Advanced Actions with Struts
- Advanced Shapes with Struts
- Advanced Shapes Exercise with Struts
Lesson 6 – Internationalization with Struts
- Internationalization Management with Struts
- Message handling exercise with Struts
- Internationalization management exercise with Struts
Lesson 7 – Exceptions Management with Struts
- Exceptions Management with Struts
- Exceptions Management Exercise with Struts
Lesson 8 – Manual Validation with Struts
- Manual Validation with Struts
- Manual Validation Exercises with Struts
Lesson 9 – Automatic Validation with Struts
- Automatic Validation with Struts
- Automatic Validation Exercise
Lesson 10 – Handling of Tiles with Struts
- Using Tiles with Struts
- Exercise Templates with Struts
- Final Laboratory
- Course Conclusion with Struts
Level – Hibernate Framework and JPA (JavaPersistence API)
Lesson 1 – Introduction to Hibernate Framework
- What is an ORM – Object Relational Mapping?
- How Hibernate Helps Me in Business Multilayer Design
- How to be much more productive in the data layer with Hibernate
Lesson 2 – Hibernate Configuration
- We will review the DAO and DTO Design Patterns
- We will implement the basic operations with Hibernate.
- We will create a Web application with JSPs, Servlets and Hibernate.
Lesson 3 – Managing Relationships with Hibernate
- We will study the types of Associations in Hibernate
- We will see one-one, one-many and many-many relationships
- We will study the concept of Entity Classes that Hibernate offers us
Lesson 4 – Life Cycle in Entity Objects
- We will study the concept of the Life Cycle in Entity Objects
- We will learn the concept of Persistence and Persistence in Cascade
Lesson 5 – Consultations with HQL
- We will learn the HQL language (Hibernate Query Language)
- We will study the concept of JOINS in HQL
- We will analyze the concept of Lazy Loading and Fetch in HIbernate
Lesson 6 – Consultas API Criteria
- We will study the Criteria API and how to apply it in Hibernate
- We will analyze in which cases to apply HQL or the Criteria API
Lesson 7 – Query by Example
- We will learn how to apply Criteria Join and Fetch
- We will use Query by Example to create advanced queries
Lesson 8 – SGA System with Hibernate
- We will build the SGA system with Hibernate
- We will build the data layer using Hibernate
- We will create advanced consultations with Hibernate
- We will apply everything learned at this Level
Level – Spring Framework
Lesson 1 – Introduction to Spring
- What is Spring and its importance in the Java EE world
- Spring Basic Concepts and their modules
- Multilayer architectures using Spring Framework
Lesson 2 – Spring Configuration
- How Spring applies cohesion and engagement
- What is the Spring Factory and how to configure it
Lesson 3 – Injection of Dependencies
- Dependency Injection Management with Spring
- Relationship between classes and their use with Spring
- Types of Dependency Injections with Spring
- Using Annotations with Spring
Lesson 4 – Spring and JDBC
- Introduction to Spring with JDBC
- Using Templates with Spring JDBC
- Spring JDBC General Settings
- Setting up a DataSource in Spring
- Consultations with Spring JDBC
- Using RowMapper with Spring JDBC
Lesson 5 – Spring Transaction Management
- Introduction to Spring with JDBC
- Definition of TransactionManager in Spring
- Attributes of a Transaction
- Spread of a Transaction in Spring
- Spring Transaction Configuration
And many more themes.
So start your training today.
Remember, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed or your money back.
I wait for you on the other side.
Ing. Ubaldo Acosta
Founder of Global Mentoring
Who this course is for:
- Anyone interested in converting from Rookie to Java Programmer Expert
- Anyone who wants to learn the programming logic with Java
- Anyone who wants to learn object-oriented programming
- Anyone interested in learning JDBC and connecting to any database with Java
- Anyone interested in learning how to create Java Web applications with Servlets and JSPs
- Anyone interested in applying the most popular frameworks such as Struts, Spring and Hibernate
- Anyone interested in applying Java EE and technologies such as EJB, JPA, Web Services REST and JAX-WS SOAP, Security and much more
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