What you’ll learn
- Using the new Dynamic Array formulas and their enormous convenience to speed up your work on Microsoft Excel 365
- We will discover the main great innovations brought by Excel 365 compared to the old versions of Excel (Excel legacy)
- New array functions: unique, data sort, data sort by, sequence, random matr, search x, filter
- Insights on the search function
- Insights on the filter function
- The new Let & Lambda programming functions
This course includes:
- 2.5 hours on-demand video
- 1 article
- 5 downloadable resources
- Access on mobile and TV
- Full lifetime access
- Certificate of completion
Do you already have an excellent level of Excel but would you like to deepen it more?
Maybe discovering all the great innovations brought by Microsoft 365 including the new dynamic array formulas and those of programming let and lambda?
Then this is the course for you! Sign up now to start your learning path!
Excel has revolutionized the way you work on your spreadsheets by making the experience in the latest versions (2021 and 365) much more efficient.
I will guide you to discover the main advanced features of Excel through videos and guided exercises.
So what are we waiting for? I wait for you!
NB: to follow this course it is necessary to have Excel version 365 or 2021. Versions prior to these do not support the innovative topic features of this course.
- Thanks and some information before starting
- Dynamic Array: practical demonstration
- The world of Dynamic Array
- The importance of the tables
- Unique function, Data. Order and “#”
- Dynamic curtain menu
- Filter function
- Search.X
- Matr.trrasposta
- Search.X: deepening
- 2 ° Example
- 3 ° Example
- Search.X nested
- Filter function: deepening
- Choose.Col – Backslash
- Filter ranges of numbers
- Example with Matr.trrasposta
- Unique
- Data.ordina
- Dati.ordina.per
- Sequence
- Matr.casuale
- A.Col
- Stack.Vert – Stack.Oriz
- Dividi.testo
- Let function
- Lambda function
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who wants to take a leap forward in the use of Microsoft Excel by greatly speeding up their work
- Anyone dealing with especially large Microsoft Excel files
- Anyone dealing with Microsoft Excel files to do data analysis and draw conclusions
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