HomeFree Course PHP with MySQL 2023: Build a Complete Job Portal Free Course Coupon

 PHP with MySQL 2023: Build a Complete Job Portal Free Course Coupon

What you’ll learn

  • Learn to set up the right environment when getting started with coding
  • Build a complete authentication system
  • Learn to do advanced coding with hashing and un-hashing passwords
  • Warp your head around cool programming concepts like validations
  • Limit the user ability to access sensitive data by protecting it
  • Learn to deal with sessions and customize them based on your needs
  • Create a full profile system and learn to update it like a pro
  • Build a real world job system and fully control it for both job seekers and companies
  • Create a category system
  • Set up layers and layers of validations for various profiles on your web app
  • Create an admin panel and learn how it works under the hood from start to finish
  • Learn to work with Database complicated queries like (Joins and Wild Cards)
  • Build a multi input based search form
  • Learn to fix bugs along the way of developing this web app
  • Learn file uploading and how to fully update and delete it
  • Create an amazing admin panel

This course includes:

  • 12.5 hours on-demand video
  • 8 downloadable resources
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion


In this course, you are going to both build a massive project and have fun, We will begin by setting up our config, and do the authentication system up to finishing the admin panel. There is a lot to get into when we are talking about building a project of this size, of course. So if you learned PHP, MySQL a little bit of PDO, and Bootstrap and want to train your skills you are in the right place. You are going to be exposed to a lot of different parts of web development areas and techniques and so on. This should be a rich experience for you if you are stuck with tutorials and do not know when to start when building projects. Also, there are going to be a lot of bugs along the way and we are going to solve them together, so be prepared for some real coding.

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Let’s take a quick deep dive into what we are going to be building. The first thing naturally is the config part of the app and then the fully validated customizable authentication system, and then we are going to create a full profile system, and while we are at it we are going to learn how to update it. after that, we are going to get into a very serious part and that is the job posting that’s when we are going to do a lot of validation because only the companies are going to create the jobs, show, delete, and update them. And then we are going to take a look at another important part and that is applying for jobs and that’s only going to be for job seekers and we will implement the categories system and we will take care of various forms of general parts inside the website like displaying certain data, validations and search input and so on. And of course, there is a lot more to add to this. So if this looks like something you are interested in building, don’t hesitate to join the course now!!

Who this course is for:

  • People who learned PHP and MySQL and want to build a full project
  • Developers who want to build their CVs
  • Aspiring programmers who want to level up their development skills with new techniques

How to Get this course FREE?

Get a 100% Discount On Udemy courses by clicking on the Apply Here Button. This Course coupon code is automatically added to the Apply Here Button.

Apply this Coupon:  PHPJOBPORTAL71  is applied  (For 100% Discount)

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Note: The udemy Courses Will be free for a Maximum of 1000 Learners can use the promo code AND Get this course for 100% Free. After that, you will get this course at a discounted price.

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Important Note While Applying for Jobs:- Do read all the instructions and requirements carefully to apply for the job. All the communications from the organization will be on your registered Email ID. Keep Checking your Mailbox for the next round details once CV is shortlisted.

Important Notice and Disclaimer:- CareerBoostZone platform is a free Job Sharing platform for all the Job seekers. We don’t charge any cost and service fee for any job which is posted on our website, neither we have authorized anyone to do the same. Most of the jobs posted over Seekajob are taken from the career pages of the organizations. Jobseekers/Applicants are advised to check all the details when they apply for the job to avoid any inconvenience.
Pratiek Nagda
Pratiek Nagdahttp://careerboostzone.com
My name is Pratiek Nagada and I am a resident of the small town of Nallasopara in Maharashtra. I come from a very poor family and I live with my mom. My father was dead when I was in 4th grade. Due to that financial issue, I was forced to go to a hostel from the 5th to the 10th. I know the basics of blogging and all because in my final year of school, after that, when I came home, I had a great fight with my mom because she wanted to take me science and I wanted to take science. Finally, I convinced my mom. I have done engineering at St. John College of Engineering and Management, which is in Palghar. I still love my college very much. Even today, I keep sharing the experiences of my college with my readers. Today I am the owner of the CareerBoostZone English blogging site and through my blog, I have prepared a better employment platform for Readers I feel happy that I tried to empower readers by helping in employment and the development of the country. And my efforts are continuing towards success.


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