What you’ll learn
- Design A Drainage System as Part of the Plumbing Design
- Learn Two Unique Methods to Design the Drainage Plumbing for any Project
- Apply the Concepts Taught to actual real life examples
- Define the Components of Drainage System
- Understand the Design Requirements for Drainage Systems as Part of Plumbing Design
- Interpret the Plumbing Design Sequence for the Drainage System
- Apply the Sequence of Design to Practice Problems and Real Life Projects
- Read Engineering Drawings in an effective Way
- Calculate the Demand for various Fixtures
- Design and Size the Piping Network for the Plumbing Drainage System
This course includes:
- 5 hours on-demand video
- 5 downloadable resources
- Access on mobile and TV
- Full lifetime access
- Certificate of completion
Plumbing is considered as a valuable domain which normally falls under mechanical engineering. In this Course we will learn about the Proper Plumbing Design Practices and Steps for sizing a Drainage system as part of Plumbing Engineering Design where we will cover the basics and essentials that every professional who is interested in the field should know. In addition we will learn the Practical Plumbing Design aspects as part of the necessary training that every successful Plumbing Professional should be Equipped with.
This course is taught by Experts and is suited for students who want to learn how to design and size a drainage Systems as part of Plumbing Systems without any prior knowledge of the field or for professionals looking forward to fine tune their knowledge about Plumbing Systems and Learn leading Design Practices in the industry. In addition, the course includes MUST know concepts, Design Steps and Practices that every Plumbing Professional Should be familiar with;Specially if they are developing their knowledge within the Mechanical , Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) Discipline as Part of their career development as Project Managers,Mechanical Engineers,Site Engineers,Inspectors,Technicians,Supervisors and Architects.
Note: The Course Includes a section designated for Free Resources that you can download for reference that can help you in real life projects!
The Course will teach you the following:
- Design Best Practices for Drainage Systems
- How to Design and Size the Piping Network of a Drainage System using Two Different Methods
- Calculate the Load to be discharged through the Drainage Piping Network
- How to Analyze and Interpret Various Drainage Designs to Develop Your Skill Set
- Different Components of a Drainage System with a detailed Explanation
- The Engineering Schematics and assemblies from actual projects related to various Drainage Connections and Assemblies.
- How to Read Drainage Systems Drawings based on real life projects and examples
By the end of the Course you should be able to:
- Design and Size a Drainage System Piping Network from A to Z
- Calculate the Load to be discharged through the Drainage Piping Network
- Understand the various terminology used for Drainage systems
- Read Drainage Engineering Drawings
- Differentiate between plumbing Systems
- Identify the Drainage Systems Main Components
- Create Sketches to represent the Connectivity of Drainage Systems Connections and Network
The course is developed by a Project Manager , Mechanical Engineer and a Certified/Licensed Educator hence providing you with premium knowledge and exceptional Delivery. The Course also includes useful Downloadable resources that can supplement your learning Process.
The Course has been Featured on Udemy as one of the Highest Rated and Suggested Courses for similar Aspiring Professionals , check out the reviews from our growing community who share similar learning goals and span over many technical professions.
Who this course is for:
- Mechanical Engineers
- Plumbers
- MEP Professionals
- Project Managers
- MEP Managers
- Technicians
- Architects
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