HomeFree CoursePostgraduate Executive Diploma: General Management Free Course Coupon

Postgraduate Executive Diploma: General Management Free Course Coupon

What you’ll learn

  • Modern management and its characteristics
  • Areas where modern management is used
  • Types of modern management
  • Methods of modern management
  • Management decision and how to make it
  • Factors and requirements affecting management decision-making
  • The essence of time management
  • Tools of time management
  • Informational support in management
  • Communications in management and how to improve it
  • Project management and its tools

This course includes:

  • 1.5 hours on-demand video
  • 6 downloadable resources
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion


Welcome to course: Executive Diploma in General Management

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You will know about: what is the modern management and what it requires, areas where modern management is used nowadays, approaches in modern management, how to make management decisions, time management and its tools for yourself and for the company, information and its types in management, communications in management and ways to improve it, the importance of project management and its methods.

Course provided by MTF Institute of Management, Technology and Finance

MTF is the global educational and research institute with HQ at Lisbon, Portugal, focused on business & professional hybrid (on-campus and online) education at areas: Business & Administration, Science & Technology, Banking & Finance.

MTF R&D center focused on research activities at areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Big Data, WEB3, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Digital Assets, Metaverses, Digital Transformation, Fintech, Electronic Commerce, Internet of Things.

MTF is the official partner of: IBM, Intel, Microsoft, member of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

MTF is present in 208 countries and has been chosen by more than 380,000 students.

Course Instructor: Zhansaya Berdikulova,

Regional Coordinator of the leadership development project in schools of Kazakhstan, certified coach, leadership development coach

Master of Economic Sciences of M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University

After finishing a course you will get: key knowledge about management, management decision-making skills, knowledge and methods of project management, a list of required documentation for managers, types and methods of modern management, time planning and project management tools

Course Plan:

1. About the course, topic and author

2. Management nowadays

3. Types of management and its methods

4. Time management

5. Management decisions

6. Information support and communication in management

7. Project management

Course Author:

Zhansaya Berdikulova


• Master of Economic Sciences of M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University


Regional Coordinator of the leadership development project in schools of Kazakhstan, certified coach, coach for the development of leadership qualities of the public organization Association of Young Leaders

Course Full Description and Welcome Letter:


Welcome to the online management course. This course is intended and will be useful for those who want to learn the basics of management, learn how to work with colleagues and employees of different companies and become a top manager in the future. This course is effective not only for beginners, but also for those who already have their own business and work with a group of people in subordination.

This course contains basic knowledge, theories and methods of modern management, which will help to look at the management system from all key sides. During the course, we will talk about the importance of modern management, where it is used, why time management skills, communications, management decisions are important for a manager.

In addition, we will analyze a new direction of management – project management, which is gaining momentum every year.

And this course is a great opportunity to learn it at your own pace. The main recommendation for completing the course is to practice the theories and knowledge that are given here, because knowledge becomes useful and effective when you transition into a skill.

For 3 years I have been the regional coordinator of the republican leadership development project and have a master’s degree in management. I have been teaching leadership for more than 10 years, judging by my changes and the changes of my students, I can say with confidence that this is one of the key success factors both in my personal life and at work.

A little about me

My name is Zhansaya, but for you I’m just Saya

For the last 10 years, I have been teaching adults and children leadership, communication, conflict management, decision-making, planning – all the flexible skills necessary for life and work.

In addition, I teach trainers and teachers who further transfer this knowledge and skills. Higher economic education in the field of management and marketing helps me to lead leadership not only as a life skill, but also as a professional for becoming top managers and managers.

I wish you new knowledge and hope that the course will be useful and effective for you!

Let’s get started!

What you’ll learn

● Modern management and its characteristics

● Areas where modern management is used

● Types of modern management

● Methods of modern management

● Management decision and how to make it

● Factors and requirements affecting management decision-making

● The essence of time management

● Tools of time management

● Informational support in management

● Communications in management and how to improve it

● Project management and its tools

Who this course is for:

  • Course for any who want to build a career at management, leadership, communications, business and entrepreneurship.

How to Get this course FREE?

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Note: The udemy Courses Will be free for a Maximum of 1000 Learners can use the promo code AND Get this course for 100% Free. After that, you will get this course at a discounted price.

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Pratiek Nagda
Pratiek Nagdahttp://careerboostzone.com
My name is Pratiek Nagada and I am a resident of the small town of Nallasopara in Maharashtra. I come from a very poor family and I live with my mom. My father was dead when I was in 4th grade. Due to that financial issue, I was forced to go to a hostel from the 5th to the 10th. I know the basics of blogging and all because in my final year of school, after that, when I came home, I had a great fight with my mom because she wanted to take me science and I wanted to take science. Finally, I convinced my mom. I have done engineering at St. John College of Engineering and Management, which is in Palghar. I still love my college very much. Even today, I keep sharing the experiences of my college with my readers. Today I am the owner of the CareerBoostZone English blogging site and through my blog, I have prepared a better employment platform for Readers I feel happy that I tried to empower readers by helping in employment and the development of the country. And my efforts are continuing towards success.


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