What you’ll learn
- Build, Verify and PNR any design, for which you have an RTL
- Characterize any post-layout design in terms of frequency, net count, instance count, runtime and many more
- Do entire floorplanning of chip online using steps mentioned in webinar
This course includes:
- 3.5 hours on-demand video
- Access on mobile and TV
- Full lifetime access
- Certificate of completion
Be it in any field – Change is inevitable. Let’s change the way we used to do Physical design. This time, no need to install tools on laptop, no licenses needed, no hidden costs, just your gmail login id and you are ready to design your first chip online. Find it hard to believe?
I welcome you to my first “Physical Design” Webinar that happened on 20th Jan 2018 at 9am IST. This is 3-hour action-packed webinar with myself being the host and below 3 people from industry
Rajeev Srivastava –
Rajeev is technical advisor to webchip and also was one of the developers of Proton while at Silverline Inc. Currently he is a Sr Principal Physical Design Engineer at NXP. While at Silverline, he was a expert user of Proton and has worked with customers to use proton successfully on many chip design projects. He will be helping with the webinar today and show how to run the tools and also answer proton related questions.
Aditya Pratap –
Aditya is the main developer and chief architect of Webchip.He was also one of the main developers of open source EDA tool proton that we will see in action today in our webinar.
Sanjeev Gupta –
Sanjeev is an VLSI & System design expert and also chief of operations at webchip.
Finally one word – ‘LIVE’ – pin placement, verification and routing on WEB. All with zero license fee using industry grade EDA tool. That’s innovation. This is something which has never happened before.
Learn from the best, and expect a shift in your professional thinking.
I will see you all in webinar and happy learning
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who wants to learn chip designing using industry grade EDA tool
- Anyone who has the limitation of tool installation and wants to design chip online
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